Who else takes quizzes? I’m always a sucker. I take all of them. I mean ALL of them. I’m trying not to sound too pathetic here but seriously. Who creates them all anyway? (at least I’m not that guy.. or gal) Every time I take the Which Disney Princess Are You quiz I end up as Belle. Don’t get me wrong here…. I LOVE Belle. She has been my favorite for a long time. The problem is that apparently she is the only princess that reads. Or even likes books. I know that when they ask that question and I answer with ‘a love so deep it hurts’. .. in the end I will be Belle. I really don’t think any of my other answers matter after that question.  I ended up wondering why Belle is the only one that reads. Then my thoughts got a little out of hand … is reading not cool? how come so many people don’t like to read. they would rather see the movie. the movies are good but never as good as the book. what am i thinking! tons of people like to read. i’m not crazy. i might want to smell my books.. am i crazy? no. i’m not crazy.. lots of people do that… ha ha ha. I know. I’m hilarious. Don’t act like you don’t like the smell of books! I will admit that when I was younger I felt weird that I liked to read. They called me a bookworm and not as a compliment. I think now I would definitely take it as one. Long rant short… don’t be mad that you are a Belle. She is awesome.

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